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Months and Milestones

The trip home from the hospital, a first smile, that look of recognition when she hears my voice, the newborn clothes that, one day, are just too small. The days fly by while I try to hang on to those moments… sleepless nights blending in a blur of joy, worry and wishes.

Mira-Collage-Giving birth to my baby girl in February 2015 has changed so many things and put others into perspective.

These days, time is measured in months and milestones.

That is why we’ve decided to shape our programming at Bubbles Academy to best fit your child at each age and stage of his or her development.

Our new membership programs are designed to grow with you and your child and allow you to seamlessly transition between developmentally appropriate classes.

Choose your membership type based on your child’s current stage of development and progress through our thoughtfully designed curriculum for your child’s best development:

Meeting Milestones (0-18months)
Music: Babies
Core Development: Pre-Crawlers
Music: Crawlers
Music: Walkers
Creative Movement: Toddlers
Art + Music: Toddlers

Preparing for Preschool (18 months – 3 years)
Preschool Prep: Grown up and Me
Preschool Prep: Early Independence
Preschool Prep: Gentle Separation

Preschool (3-5 years)
Arts-Integrated Preschool 3’s Program
Arts-Integrated Preschool 4’s Program

Bubbles Academy is here to support you and your child from birth to age 5. Looking forward to sharing this exhilarating and (challenging) time with you!


Natalie Monterastelli

Natalie Monterastelli is the Executive Director of Bubbles Academy, Early Childhood Arts Enrichment Center and Preschool — and proud mom to baby Mira! In addition to her work in education, Natalie is an improviser, passionate about creating meaningful learning experiences through the arts. She also shares her thoughts on arts, education and parenting on her blog, Stars Over the Mountain.
